Saturday, March 1, 2008

March-ing On

We have made it to week 34 and life is still good. Ashley is unofficially done with her internship (No more 8-hour hospital days) and we have begun making arrangements to bring home a baby one of these days.

A couple of days ago, during a doctor's visit, they told us that Ashley's blood pressure is high. They took some blood and we should know more soon, but it is clear that the Doctor is a little concerned. If the blood tests come back with abnormal results, they doctors will probably want to induce ahead of schedule. I am confident that everything is (and will be) fine, but Ashley may be less optimistic. Your prayers in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

On the lighter side, Ashley had her first baby shower today. I cannot report from the shower itself, because I was at a basketball game. GO ASU! And if I could have, I would have taken baby Jacob with me. Alas, he was at the shower. Thanks to good friends of ours, Vicki Collins and Sarah Schumann, (who really thoughtful people) Jacob has more wonderful stuff. He got some awesome stuff: a fair amount of sports and camo gear, with a lot of cute little baby stuff mixed in. Here's a picture of just some of the stuff that made it's way into our house today.

As you can see, the piles of things are bigger than Jacob himself. As you can also see, Jacob is pretty big. We estimate he is somewhere between 4 and 5 pounds at this time.

It is such a wonderful time in our lives to be able to see him kick, and see him respond to what we are doing. When we were trying to get him face head down (which he finally is now according to the doctor), I would sing to the bottom of Ashley's belly and watch him move toward the noise. I think he likes Counting Crows. It's actually kind of cool to think that he can actually tell my voice from other peoples. Ashley claims that he moves around when he hears my voice. I like to think that is true. I already feel so attached to this little person, and I can't wait to meet him!

We miss you all and want to thank all of you who participated in the Shower today. The mantastic Man-shower (Or preggor-kegger as we call it) is scheduled for March 22nd. The final shower will be on March 29th, a day after Ruth arrives and hopefully close to when Jacob arrives!

Love ya,

Daniel and the gang

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny! Elgin's favorite music is Counting Crows, however, he only likes the upbeat happy songs. The slow depressing ones he will start crying at. But if we blast the music he will calm down instantly and start cooing (we call it singing) along with the music. I think our boys are going to be friends!!!! They can go to their first concert together...Counting Crows anyone??!!!! Miss you and hope you are well!!! I know it is all exciting, enjoy it here at the end, he will be here before you know it!