Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our gigantic baby.

Yes, Thomas is huge. (and so are his lovable cheeks).

We thought Jacob was gigantic...and he was.
*Refresher picture*

But, we just took Thomas for his 4 month check-up (at 5 months because at 4 months he was in the hospital...yay, it's been a month already!). The child was 17 pounds 6 oz. and 26 1/4 inches; he's longer than ~65% of the kids his age...and obviously quite well-fed. With his allergic system, he won't be getting foods until at least 6 months; fortunately, that doesn't appear to be a problem for him!

Random photo: this is from Monday morning before I left for work. I had been afforded the 6" to the left of Thomas and Daniel had the space on the right of Jacob. Ridiculous (Jacob had joined us only about 15 minutes before I had to get up for work anyway....I complain but actually LOVE the snuggle time).