Thursday, March 13, 2008

All systems go....nearly....

We've made it to 36 weeks with everyone healthy and active...and for that we are thrilled!

I've had a couple of Doctor appointments since last post and while my blood pressure has consistantly crept up each time, the doctors are still just "watching" it. It's an odd feeling to have your body behaving in a way that is completely out of your control- something perhaps I should've adjusted to by now :)
With mention of the body, I'm excited to report Jacob is getting closer to the lock-and-load position. For some of you, the following info may be TMI or it may just be gibberish, but for others in "the know" the Dr told me today that I'm 1.5 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and Jacob is in the -2 station. Basically this means that my body is getting pretty ready but Jacob is still having a little party bouncing around inside.

In other news, we've had Steven and Rob out visiting us since Sunday- and it's been a week of sheer entertainment. With baseball, Simpsons, Mexican food, basketball, hot-tub time (we live with mainly families so it's nearly always abandoned), and drinks I think they've had a pretty good Spring Break experience. And I've laughed (at them) a whole lot as the everpresent onlooker.
We're headed to a Suns basketball game tonight to see Shaq and Steve'd be great if they won...but it'll be fun nonetheless. The goal is to post some pictures of us all at the game! Until then, just imagine a bunch of goofy and excited guys plus a considerably pregnant lady up in the the nosebleed section.

1 comment:

Christy said...

How exciting! You're making progress!

I had a blood pressure incident towards the end with Lily. I remember feeling the same way you do about how strange it is that your body is just doing whatever it wants to. I remember thinking "I don't feel like my bloos pressure is high..." Not that I would know what to even look for...

We'll be praying for you!