Monday, March 31, 2008

April Baby

It looks like our baby's chance to have a March birthday has passed (unless he is zooms out to greet us in mere hours from this moment) and we're on to the April birthday. For a long while, I was pretty sure an April Fool's day birthday would be frustrating for Jacob- years of getting teased and tricked on your birthday! However, recently my thinking has changed and I know we could make it quite a funny addition to his birthday..... Obviously, this is my plea for him to come tomorrow :)
(here are the most recent, I know. Gotta love the expression in the second picture...sorry:) )

Thankfully we've had plenty to keep us busy and healthily distracted from the overwhelming anticipation and excitement about Jacob's impending arrival. The dinner theater Daniel created (a fundraiser for Lutheran Campus Ministries) takes place this coming weekend, so last week and this week are quite loaded with with extra rehearsals, technological problem solving, and creating Plan B's for every baby scenario. He's really proud of this play and its purpose...and I just hope both he and I get to see it. What may help us get to the play is that my mom came into town last Friday!

On Saturday morning, our friend Kris Diegle had a fun baby shower for Jacob at her house. She kindly (and nervously) held-out on having the shower until my mom was able to be in town- despite us all believing Jacob would already be here. Everyone was so kind and there really is nothing more we could possibly need for such a small being that eats, sleeps, poops, and cries! We really can't wait to dress him in these teeny outfits, read him all the colorful books, love on him, and discover just who he is.

This past time, we procrastinated posting in hopes of waiting to announce Jacob's arrival, but hopefully this time it's true to say, "stay tuned for info about our new baby". I know, I know, you all say, "but Ashley, you aren't even due until April 10th." (Which, by the way, please do NOT say to me or any pregnant may be even worse than criticizing their weight). In the end Jacob will come when he's ready despite any impatience and I know that. But we can dream!!


Christy said...

Oh what a frustrating time this is! I'll be praying for you, Daniel and little Jacob!

Anonymous said...

the rossi family will be thinking about you!! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for a quick and easy birth. Love you guys and can't wait to meet the little guy. So glad your mom is there with you :)