Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dear Grayson.

Oh Grayson.

She made Jacob's beloved CD for Christmas and he absolutely adores it; it's upbeat and dancable..and not "baby-songs". Being as he's under 15, some of the songs are great for dancing, not for lyrics; fortunately, it's hard to understand most of the lyrics. Jacob is unusually great at hearing songs and then repeating them in tune and verbatim. This a silly consequence of that CD (though not quite verbatim); so Grayson, this one's for you.


Grayson said...

It's truly a shame that Jacob selected "Tik Tok" from all of the timeless tunes on that cd. I feel I can't take Ke$ha seriously, but only because she spells her name with a money sign. No other reason(s) whatsoever. None.

So, kudos Jacob- You officially know how to live like a rock star. First, wake up in the morning and feel like P. Diddy.
Next, Bieber hair.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with Grayson. Out of all the songs she put on there, he picks Ke$ha, ha. Although, I think I find it a little surprising that Grayson would ever include her.

But I second your emotion on Jacob's rock star skills. He is becoming more and more glamorous with each day. 'Don't stop, make it pop!' But I will make the suggestion of making it stop before he takes it to Bieber level, I don't know if I could handle that! ha.

Jacob's Lesson of the Day: Tick tock on the clock, but the party DON'T stop, no.


Anonymous said...

now i know this song -----

but only geekob's version.

i sing this song to myself all the time.

but only geekob's version.

oh oh ohoh.


thos - little thosmos. soon............soon.............................

Anonymous said...

now i know this song -----

but only geekob's version.

i sing this song to myself all the time.

but only geekob's version.

oh oh ohoh.


thos - little thosmos. soon............soon.............................

Anonymous said...

i guess i just bi-won.

feels good good.

love love you all all!!!!!!!