Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Pre-baptism dunking.

The real thing.

And how about the blooper reel.


Anonymous said...

let's see......words.........

1. yay!
2. 3rd thos picture
3. yall are pretty lookin
4. meekrob....growing...stronger.....
5. penultimate pictorial titled: ashley has all boys under control.

sounds like a mnemonic device....

oh the big words......"boys"./....

Anonymous said...

no other comments yet?

you people......

6. I'm thinking Uncle Josh took some of these here pics.

Oh-- Happy Birthday Uncle Josh.....

bye bye.

Grandparents Chell said...

Beautiful, beautiful pictures!(including the blooper reel)

So sad to think that for days before the baptism Jacob had such bad bronchitis and for days after, Thomas was so sick. Glad the baptism was at the golden moment, and that both boys are now on the mend.

We send our love.