Sunday, September 16, 2007

One celebration after another

Last weekend, DP, myself, and the rest of the Pugh clan made a zippy trip to Houston, Texas for the eldest sibling (Tally) 's wonderful wedding. We now get to "officially" welcome Trent, her husband, into the family! He's one of the few males I've ever met that actually feels comfortable teasing me and all around giving me a hard time. While it may sound messed-up, I actually cherish that becauses it means a few things: he knows I can take it, he fits in just right with Tally, and I get to be in on the fun! Anyway, that's all just to say that I'm thrilled (and Daniel's thrilled...perhaps for a few different reasons) that Trent is part of the family and that he's Tally's partner for life. Congratulations!!
It really was a whirlwind trip, but it turns out a few things beyond a wedding happened around that time.

*For one, my clothes really don't fit so much anymore as a bitty belly is beginning to protrude. Here's a picture from about a week ago of some stomach action (9ish weeks)...

*Another thing is that we found out that Daniel's other sister, Traeci, is expecting her second baby due to arrive near the beginning of May.

*Yet another realllly exciting thing is that we signed the papers to get our 2 bedroom apartment starting September 26th! Phew!

*The last thing to happen is for Daniel to turn 24 today. As he is a 'bit' of a football fan (HA), he along with some family and friends attended the first home game for the Cardinals. What relief that they actually won...I mean, of course they won (ahem). His parents treated him to a birthday dinner last night where he received the gift of a hooded Cardinals baby towel. Very cute. Though it still seems sorta weird that we're getting gift for OUR's nuts!
This picture was taken last night after we'd gorged on some yummy dinner...and as you can just barely see, Izzy the dog wanted some serious attention!
That's about all I can think to write for now...we're in town now for good, so perhaps we'll keep up better with this blog!
Coming soon: our next Dr's appointment is September 26th!


Christy said...

I found looping a hair tie through my pants' button to be very helpful for a while. I also got a Bella Band which was great. Perhaps those little tricks will help you to stay in your pre-preg pants a little longer :)

Christy said...