Sunday, September 2, 2007

8 ish weeks we think.

So, this is sorta the baseline picture I suppose. According to the Doctors, I am now 8 weeks but as that doesn't add up to a due date of April 10th, I'm confused. I guess we'll just leave it as I'm at least 8 weeks?
I'm not gonna pretend like the body and comfort changes I'm experiencing now are directly caused by baby. Really, I just never have liked feeling restricted in clothes or shoes, so being uncomfortable with tight waistbands...not all too new. (As a side not, please ignore the uber-wrinkley pants, they never ever stay nice.)
Overall, things are going well. Currently, my internship has me doing administrative work for the Madison School district; this means I standardize recipes and decipher nutrient information for the national school lunch program. We visit schools daily during lunch to evaluate their performance and I get to pretend to be professional with my forms, clipboard, and magnetic name-tag...but internally I'm giddy at being with the hundreds of fun and happy little kids. The only tough parts are: avoiding boredom, guessing at 6 am which foods I'll be able to stomach come lunch time, and going to sleep early and alone cause Daniel is still so wide awake. This rotation could be loads worse, as could this first phase in pregnancy!!


Anonymous said...

so your boobs...

love you.
p.s. thanks for the proof.

Ashley said...

gee, thanks Grayson. hahaha <3

Christy said...

I tag you! See our blog for details!

Anonymous said...

AWWWW! Look at the belly! How cute!