Today we welcomed Thomas Evan Pugh into our now family of four. He was born at 12:47am this morning 12/13/2010. He weighed 6lbs 5.8 oz and was 18 1/2 inches.
This is the story of how he came into this world, as Dad remembers it.
It all started on Sunday, 12/12, around 3:45 pm. Daniel was supposed to be at the Cardinals football game, but stayed home because he had a "hunch" that Thomas would be born 8 days early, on Monday 12/13.
While watching the game at home, with Ashley on the Couch, Jacob walked into the room after his nap and hugged mommy's belly. At the same time, the Cardinals attempted a fake field goal and their kicker ran for a touchdown, ending a 7 game losing streak. Thomas lept in his mother's belly at the dual excitement of hearing his brother's voice, and the wildness of the game. This lord of leaping caused Ashley's water to break. We immediately started getting things together so that Jacob could spend the night at Didi and Yaya's house. But Didi and Yaya were at the game, a solid hour's drive. So, we called up dear friends Matt and Breezy and asked if they would mind taking Jacob for a couple hours as we headed to the hospital. Jacob had a fine time with them, making cookies and playing with their dogs, at the same time that Ashley and I got to the hospital, right as the Cardinals were declaring victory. We got to the hospital at 4:55 and were immediately ushered to Labor and Delivery room 4. The only room that was occupied that night. By 8pm Ashley was only dilated 4cm, and the doctor said she wanted to wait until midnight before she started to speed up the process using drugs. At 11pm Ashley was still only dilated to 4cm, making progress slowly, proving that Thomas wasn't ready to come out. At midnight, Ashley had progressed to 6cm, and the time came where adding drugs might speed up the process. Ashley stuck it out, and it paid off. A mere 25 minutes later Ashley was dilated to the full 10cm, and she was told to "wait for the doctor." I know I said to those nurses that last time we had to "wait for the doctor" because she progressed so quickly, but that's another story.
22 minutes later Thomas Evan was born, with two solid contractions/pushes from Ashley. The nurses all commented on how impressed they were with Ashley's superhuman strength and poise, and that rarely did they see such a controlled birth that was as natural as can be.
When he came out the chord was wrapped around his neck twice, causing me much concern, but upon closer inspection the chord was still lose and it was not effecting his ability to breathe. Thomas did well in those early minutes. He recieved APGAR scores of 9 and 8 out of 10 (but really out of 9, few doctors ever go past 9) and the 8 was because he had swallowed a bunch of fluid that they were now draining from his stomach. In those early hours the nurses became concerned when his blood sugar was down at 36, and it needed to be above 50. Thomas nursed for more than half an hour, but they insisted that it wasn't enough. They took him to the nursery and insisted that he needed nourishment quickly, and that formula was the only way. He was a way from us for 3 hours, a time in which his dietitian-mother was none too pleased. Thomas has been above or around the minimum of 50 since then. At 1pm we were moved from Labor/Delivery to the postpartum section of the hospital. They had told us earlier that because Ashley did so amazing that they had reserved for us the "Princess Suite." Thinking that they were joking, I forgot about it. But when we got over here, they showed us to the corner room, the one that is twice the size of a regular room. Shhh. Don't tell. This room has tons of natural light with two walls of windows and lots of space for the visitors that he have seen all day. Jacob is coming soon to see Ashley and I, but unfortunately due to flu season, he is not allowed to meet baby Thomas in the hospital. That introduction will have to take place tomorrow when we return home. Right now Mommy and Thomas are resting, Mommy in her street clothes after they took out her IV, let her take a shower, and allowed her to feel like a normal woman again. Thomas is dressed in a white newborn shirt with little white mittens to cover his sharp fingernails. The shirt has spit-up from the formula they have been trying to bottle feed him. We keep the dirty shirt on him as a silent protest to their formula and their fake nipples.
All is well. We are awaiting more visitors and a fancy dinner provided by the hospital that is "complimentary" [just because it doesn't show up on the bill doesn't mean it isn't negotiated into the cost] At any rate, Steak and Lobster here we come!
Last, we have been made aware that Thomas' name-sake, Ashley's grandfather the late Thomas Barnes was laid to rest on this day, 12/13. The circle of life continues on for another beautiful generation!
That's all for now. Going to see big brother Jacob.
Welcome Thomas! Your Grandma Chell called to let me know you were on your way. Lo and Behold, your Aunt Grayson texted me at 12:30 NV time to let me know that you were born!I heard the phone beep with a message and read it immediately... I was so excited...
And to Jacob...I know you are excited and will be very helpful. I also know you will be a great big brother!!
Love to all
Great Aunt Lois and Great Uncle Craig and of course your 3 Repass cousins-Gregory, Kevin, Cody!
Welcome Thomas! You will soon find out that you have a truly awesome family!
Im sure Jacob will be the best big brother a kid could ask for!
Words escape us as we glaze over with smiles and check out the text and pictures again and again and again. Thomas Evan Pugh is adorable and amazing....and is in for a whole lot of lovin'! Jacob is Chairman of that committee.
And thanks for the confidence in Thomas' family, Rachel!
One clarification....Thomas' great grandpa had his funeral on 12/13 in 1988. One blog reader was amazed he passed away on the exact day that Thomas was born.
Didn't get a chance or the room earlier to say we LOVE you all and are so excited for everyone!!
Also, a shout out to Daniel for his intuitive feelings that kept him home from the game.
And Ashley, what an amazing mother you are! We appreciate how you and Daniel kept us updated as you progressed. What a blessing Jacob will be to his sweet Thomas!!
He's here...and just as adorable as we would have assumed! Jacob is going to be so great with Thomas and I can't wait to spoil these boys. More.
See you so soon. Much much love. Glad to hear you're all healthy. Relax when you can.
rubbing it in that you DO see them soon.
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