Monday, April 19, 2010

Blue-armed boy

As it turns out, Jacob fractured some bones in his hand and the head of the humerus by his elbow (yikes!). We're glad they spotted the fractures. but it's pitiful to see him in such a huge cast!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see that's he OK.

I've been thinking up captions to the
3 pictures posted here.

I bet you can think of some too.

For Jacob, those 3 weeks or whatever will be 464 years.

Do it when you're young
Don't get old.

Cute not-so-little Mekrob.


Grandparents Chell said...

Wow...Jacob! Your cast is color coordinated to your clothes! Did the Dr. supply you with different colored cast attachments? ha. You the pocketbooks you can buy with the changeable outer coverings.
We're so sorry you have to pay the price of falling hard on your arm, but you don't look like you're too disturbed by it all. You're cuter than ever. We love you!

Grayson said...

This montage is really quite enjoyable. He looks huge, its so hard to time he'll be 464 years older. Hope he enjoys his youth.

Ashley said...

you all crack me up...and yes, he looks huge to even those of us who see him every single day. He must've grown like 1 1/2 inches since Christmas!

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