Thursday, March 5, 2009

We said bye to grandma Ruth today, as she had to return to NC and her regular life. All three of us were spoiled by her these past 10 there will be an adjustment back to life as we know it. Upon hearing a dog out behind our apartment this afternoon, Jacob "woofed" and crawled to his bedroom searching for grandma so that they could go find the dog together. It was adorable...and broke my heart a bit.
While she was here we went to Muir Woods
sorted laundry(which Jacob has really taken a liking to?), and read books.
Sleep wasn't high on Jacob's agenda, but I do have proof that he slept at some point.

Anyway, Jacob is now 11 months old.
He'll soon qualify as a 'foward-facing in the car' toddler. This baby to toddler transition in thought sounds impossible as he'll always be our baby....but Jacob has grown and transformed so gradually (and so much) that he's already our little boy.
He's communicating with us effectively, saying: yay, mama, bye, and on occasion, dada. He clicks his tongue, woofs (imagine a closed mouth woof) in response to dog barking or dog pictures/asking what a dog says, he adores music and wiggles his body when he hears it- especially the itsy bitsy spider or his "jacob" song. He's standing on his own rather well and is beginning to shift his weight while standing- no steps yet. He loves to throw the ball to you (read: at you) but also thinks its great fun when you throw the ball at him (but there is no catching the ball in that game). Just in the past 4 days or so he's eating like he can't get enough of anything and I'm already fearing his appetite as a teenager. He laughs, smiles, and gabs to most people and we couldn't be more in love with him.

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