Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"So much to say, so much to say.."

Really, I suppose Jacob doesn't yet have SO much to say, but a whole heck of a lot more than mere weeks ago. Jacob is now using "momma" consistantly- for daniel and myself(and with grandma ruth here, she's become momma, too).

He's now waving and saying bye when people leave. He makes the same "yay" sound when we say yay, which usually follows him assuming the techincal touchdown gesture or giving someone 'high five'. It's pretty much hilarious. He's standing well on his own, up to about 10 seconds before sitting down or grabbing ahold of someone or something. Him walking could be anytime now, but we're really not in a rush as he's kinda precocious....yikes!
Being a huge kid eating breakfast.
Daniel made-up a "jacob" song and now, whenever he hears it, he heads to the guitar hoping daniel will play that AND sing his song!

And for the talking video:


Grayson said...

oh this is way too cute. He DOES have so much to say! Can't wait to see and hear how much he has grown, miss you, and have fun with g'ma.

Anonymous said...

Jacob is a pretty awesome godson. Parker can't wait to see him in a couple of months.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Grandma, give him a big hug and a kiss for me!!!Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!!

Alas, Jacob, I just might have your birth sampler ready by your first birthday...working on giving it to you in person!!! Love you at a distance....Great Aunt Lois