Saturday, February 7, 2009

10 months old!

You know what they say about the apple and its proximity to the tree.

Jacob Daniel is 10 months old. He stands more than he sits, he sleeps more than he eats, but just barely. All he wants for Valentines Day are his two front teeth, and he just might get them.

As a father of a 5/6th- year-old, every day I am reminded of how much my son rocks. What we usually try and do here on the blog is to show you how much our little boy is growing- and we usually track his development physically.
Yet, today, it seems like the real story is his cognitive growth- what his Great-Grandfather Tom would call, "making convolutions" in his brain. Jacob's personality is bigger than Texas. I find myself pushing the shopping cart backwards down aisles so that he can wave at everyone he passes. And he does. He LOVES to play and equally loves to learn. When it comes time to eat, he does a little bit of both.

To preface this video, I picked up a camera when I saw Jacob try and eat an entire piece of bread in one bite. Usually he is done eating when he throws his food on the floor. I was breaking the rules for the video. I also unsuccessfully try and get him to wave at the camera. He can wave and does often off camera. This video is 2min.

Here's another 2 min. video in which Jacob is auditioning for a Lord of the Rings gatekeeper. You Shall Not Pass!!! Notice how after he realizes he's locked in, he tries to fit through the bars. He's a little problem-solver. He is, after all, related to a few different engineers.

As smart and funny as our young Jacob is, I thought we would keep him humble- so here's an embarrassing (but adorable!) picture for the future.

Here's Lookin' at you, Kid!

We love you all immensely. Thank you all for your love and support of us and our little nudist.

Love, love, love,

Daniel, Ashley, and Jacob


Anonymous said...!!

Anonymous said...

AHA! We got the videos and pix....certainly worth waiting for transfer of his precious face (and other parts)! Jacob is absolutely adorable ad infinitum. Loved your commentary. Sounds as if you three are really enjoying your adventures together. What wonderful parents you are! We love you all.

Grayson said...

there are no words for how cute you ALL are. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! These made my Monday :) What a handsome and smart big boy he is growing into. Can't wait to see him in person one day and give him a big old hug. Love you guys and miss you. Our best! The Holleys.

Anonymous said...

Wow, a Pugh who's an aggressive eater . . . imagine that. Oh well, at YEAST he's getting good nutrition. I’m impressed by his obvious growth; he must be BREAD from pretty good stock.

Big Red said...

Solid for having a future embarrassing picture!
way to be good parents!!!