Saturday, September 6, 2008

Cabbage patch kid growing in the garden...

5 months old and such a blast! We know we’re really lucky to have a kiddo with such gleeful demeanor and flexibility. Though he is able to eat his toes, I mean less physical flexibility and more flexibility with schedules, locations, who he’s around, etc.

His days here at seminary have been fun and chockful of interesting places and people. Aside from visiting the Berkeley marina and San Francisco, Jacob spends his days chilling with his buddy Jackson (21 months old), flailing and flying in his Johnny jump-up, and flirting/schmoozing heavily with all the seminarians. Obviously, we think highly of our little one but it sure is fun when other adults have fun playing with him, too. One such person told Jacob he is in the cabbage patch phase- chunky, bald, and smiling. We agree, thus the title this post. Though, to his defense, Jacob is finally beginning to get some more hair as you can see in the following pictures if you look hard enough.
Jacob doesn’t protest tummy time nearly as much and actually seems to enjoy doing what “big kids” (i.e. parents) do. From push-up position, he can easily flip himself onto his back and he now does so when he’s about to get his diaper and pj’s on at night. About 2 weeks ago, Jacob started some independent sitting. He's now up to about 30 seconds before he just can't quite maintain the upright position.

He also now enjoys standing a bit while holding on to the couch. He happily stands there until something distracts him and he turns his head with his whole body. But just look at those legs....they'd hold just about anyone upright :)

Needless to day, our little nudist doesn’t prefer clothing. In hopes of wearing him out before bed but avoid the cranky stage, we just have about ½ an hour of naked time for him. We can’t say that the end product is a baby who sleeps better, but at least he’s delighted up until the pj’s get put on.
We didn't want to introduce rice cereal too early but we felt that since Jacob is grabbing for food, drooling, and pretending to chew, we'd let him have a taste of some cereal. His reaction to it leaves us wondering if he'll ever willingly taste it again. He appears to absolutely hate it- to the point of clamping his mouth shut and shaking his head to avoid the spoon after just three bites. This is the kid that will put anything in his mouth and gnaw away. Perhaps when he's ready for pureed foods we'll just bypass the cereal all together....

That's the overall life of Jacob. He squeals, flails, and gnaws on anything around him. He is wearing mainly 6-9 month clothing but being that September is the "hot" month in Berkeley and we have no fans, little boy is having some flashbacks to AZ and naked afternoons. He really doesn't mind :). Much love to all from Berkeley! -We've only had one earthquake and it wasn't too bad, so don't be scared about visiting :)


Grayson said...

Oh wow,only one earthquake, really? hmm. That child is so stubborn and i am proud to call him my nephew, he takes after his aunt. Stay strong Lil' Dan. (joking Ashley) I love you all and hope that there are many more naked afternoons and successful nights. Thanks for the adorable photos, they help me make me through each day. Miss you and good luck to all!

Grayson said...

p.s. i sang that song for-ev-er, thanks!

Anonymous said...

He's getting so big!

Attesting to the fact that earthquakes are no big deal around there, my mother didn't mention Friday's earthquake at all when I talked to her on the phone yesterday. And she lives only a few miles from the faultline. That's life in the Bay Area for you... :-)

Anonymous said...

Great Grandma and I are getting a kick out of those fat, chubby, strong legs!! Since you have been out sight-seeing, have you gone by the tree-sitters there?!!! Earthquakes, tree-sitters, only in CA!!! Love it!!keep those pictures coming!!

Anonymous said...

good lord he is the cutest kid ever EVER. And very happy too - as he should be - he's a lucky one to have the parents he's got.

love you all. Tell Jacob to take his time - it's not a race.

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