Monday, September 29, 2008

How about a picture montage of Jacob's favorite activities:

Swinging in the big kid swing at the park just a few blocks away.

Monkeying around with daddy.

Hanging with the family (including grandma!) in San Francisco.

Attempting to crawl. Really, just rocking back and forth and smiling about it.

Reaching for things to play with, suck on, pinch, etc. while holding on to the couch.

He's still a happy boy, giggling for everyone and actually happily eating 2 rice cereal meals a day (this is only true since last week). Enjoy the pictures!


Ashley said...

Seriously, he could not be any cuter. Where is his Gerber commercial?!

::LYNDSEY:: said...

ashley, he is such a cute guy. and let's be honest, the big swing in the park looks amazing. i hope you and dan are doing well out in california!


Grayson said...

agreed to the whole Gerber comment, so true. i love y'all still and see you so soon. W

Anonymous said...

thanks for the anniversary message i love you guys and cant wait to see you!!!! xoxo from gso

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