Friday, May 16, 2008

Approaching 6 weeks

Yesterday, we attempted to have our friend Vicki take some family shots at a nearby lake. Key word in that sentence would be "attempted"! Jacob was so adorable, but so not into the idea of smiling, cooing, or generally being the typical morning-version of himself. Regardess, there are aways some cute shots when enough pictures are taken and the person behind the lens has a great eye!

Here's the story of how the morning progression via pictures:
Jacob not thrilled, but okay.

Now, he's pushing things away and getting grumpy- even rejecting the daddy kisses!
(Just look at the size of that melon- this kid's got one big ole brain!)
And now he's just had it. All hope was lost.

At this point, we just appeased him with a pinky while finishing off the film.
Dont' worry about this kiddo though because just as the last picture was taken, he returned to the happy, smiling baby once again. It's as though he sensed that he was no longer being documented....he's too smart already.


Ashley said...

The picture of the three of you with Jacob crying just really makes me giggle. Its great because Ashley looks amazingly beautiful, Daniel is all happy and smiling...and there's Jacob in the middle disastrously unhappy. Its fantastic. Keep the pictures comin' :-)

Jesse said...

This sounds strangely familiar...

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