Monday, April 21, 2008

Week 2

Jacob has officially been with us for 2 weeks...I can't believe it's already been that long, yet at the same time I can't believe it's only been that long!

Until today, we had my mom with us to provide another set of loving hands...and we were spoiled rotten! We didn't have to do laundry, dishes, etc....but now reality sets in and we start the real journey:) Thanks very much to Grandma for all that looooooveee!! (and for grandpa for letting us have her for so long.)

So far, we've learned quite a bit about this little guy, such as:

-In the beginning, Jacob preferred to suck on his own tongue or bottom lip to actually eating. However, he has since discovered the delight in eating and does so at least every 3 hours. And, as I'm pretty against introducing a pacifier, it is totally fitting that Jacob is soothed most by sucking :) I'm hoping the our pinky fingers continue to suffice, but we'll see.....

-He waits to pee until his diaper is least, when his mom is changing him. No kidding, he's sprayed several walls, the floor, even his eye (while at the pediatrician's office!).

-While waking up, he appears to experience a wide range of emotions from very angry and wrinkled to delight accompanied with full-body chuckling. It's extremely entertaining.

-He sleeps, but not easily and not really in his pack'n play. So far, he's spent most nights rotating from the chest of his dad, mom, or grandma and his bouncer.

-His eyes are lightening up already to an ocean blue.

-He's got serious gastrointestinal power. Seriously, we took him to church yesterday and I was more concerned about his "fireworks" interrupting the service than any crying.

-We're still exploring him for what traits he got from each of us....though it's proving tricky! We're more successful in determining what traits he does not have:)

That's all for now, but we hope to have another short video up soon!!


Anonymous said...

Such a cutie! How wonderful that your mom could be there-nothin like havin a pro for the first week or so!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! I love seeing new pictures of the cutest baby in the world! All of us here on the east coast look at your blog like ten times a day...ok, maybe just me...but Thanks!

Love you all!

Grayson said...

I could not agree with Emily more. I look at this thing more than I would like to admit to. But I love my nephew, since when is that a crime?

love and luck to you all!