Tuesday, April 8, 2008

He's here, he's here!

It began like any other day. Well, any other day when your wife is 39 weeks pregnant. She woke up early and uncomfortable, and headed for the couch. I awoke up considerably later and stumbled to the couch in search of her. After talking a bit about the night before, she said, "Maybe we should call Traeci (my sister, a nurse), because I think maybe my water broke" So we did, and she told us to go to the hospital. We asked for a second opinion, and called Kris Diegle, another nurse. She said the same thing. So, we got our bags together and made a trip to the hospital. We didn't think too much of it, as we weren't yet convinced that this was it. Well, it was! They told us that Ashley's water had been broken, and probably had been since 10pm the night before. It was now about 12:30pm the next day. The nurse came back after running some tests and said, "Congratulations, someone will have today as their birthday!"
*** As a side note, my office had a pool picking which day Jacob would be born. I just happened to pick 4/6/08.***
We were thrilled. We called the grandparents and they called the family, and we knew it would only be a matter of time. They moved us up to the room we would stay in until Ashley delivered. The grandparents talked and took pictures, while Ashley prepared for what was ahead. The doctors wanted her to deliver by 10pm (as they always want you to within 24 hours of your water breaking.), so they gave her a drug called Pitocin, which induces labor. Roughly 2 hours after the drug took effect Ashley's body naturally kicked in, so she was having double the contractions. Obviously, she was in pain and the doctors suggested she take something through her IV as they eased off the dosage of the Pitocin order to ease her contractions instead of all the time. Ashley agreed to a drug called Dilaudid to take the edge off and it vaguely helped for the hour it was in her IV. After that, Ashley went though the last 2 hours without medication. Though arriving 4 hours hours earlier at 3cm dilated, 90% effaced, and at zero station, she had progressed nicely to 6cm and 100% effaced. As she told me, "It feels like my hip bones are splitting in two!" Another 2 hours and she was all 10cm, and Jacob was plus 2 station.
"Perfect!" the doctor said. "She's ready to deliver." But OUR doctor wasn't there yet, so they told Ashley not to push. She tried not to but I told her we didn't need no doctor, and not to worry about it. (Every nurse there was more than qualified, plus we had the "on call doctor" there. OUR doctor was a doctor from the office that we had never met before.) OUR doctor showed up 10 minutes later and told her to push, officially. By that time Jacob's head was crowning. A few pushes later, and his head came out. They turned Jacob so that his shoulders would come out. 10 seconds later his shoulders came out followed by the rest of him! What a miracle! They placed all 6 pounds 13 ounces of him on Ashley's belly as they cleaned him. He opened his eyes and took a good long look at Ashley and I. Then he cried his first little bitty cry. I took this picture in those first 10 seconds.
I cut the cord and they wheeled him to a "warmer" where they tested him. I was encouraged to take pictures of him during this time. He got two nines on the APGAR test, basically the highest score her can get. He was perfectly healthy and already had his mother's penchant for test-taking though he wasn't happy about it. Moment's later the doctors took care of Ashley (who they all commented on doing so wonderfully, and how amazing it was the it was without an epidural). After Ashley and Jacob were presentable, I went down the hall to inform the waiting room folks (Grandma Ruth, Grandma Chon, Grandpa Danny, Uncle Luke and Aunt Sara) that "It's a Boy!". They were allowed to come back and take pictures. I wish I had all pictures for all cameras that were there represented, but alas, the compilation will have to wait.

After everyone went home, Ashley, Jacob and I tried to take it easy. The hospital staff were very friendly and helpful, which we were relieved about. One nurse gave him a bath and offered to hold him outside the door for half an hour so that we could get some sleep. Jacob filled 3 diapers his first night, somewhat ahead of schedule. 7am the next morning, the pediatrician came in and asked about circumcision. I said, "the sooner the better" and he said, "I'll do it right how. 20 minutes later, he appeared with Jacob and said that the baby didn't say a peep. Man is he tough!
That day Jacob tried to feed but wasn't really in the mood for anything other than sleeping. He slept most of the day and peed on the nurse. That night Grandma Ruth offered to take my place in the hospital so that I could go home to sleep. (There is no sleeping in the hospital, it must be a policy). When I came back this morning, Jacob awoke at the sound my my voice. I held him for a while until the lactation consultant came and and tried to get Jacob to eat. He did! Finally! Ashley had been patiently trying for hours on end for 2 days and he finally ate for a good 35 minutes, before he fell asleep in the same position. After we ate, we got in the car and came home, where I'm proud to say Ashley eventually went to sleep for the first time in 3 days. She did so wonderfully. Even in the throws of labor she never raised her voice. She remained polite and said "Thank you" to the nurses when they came to her aid. She never complained about pain or lack of sleep. She endured hours of Jacob trying to feed, and all the family visitors. She was born to be a mother, that's for sure! Jacob and I are extremely fortunate to have her. As for me, I don't know what I was born for, but I sure do feel at home with this baby in my hands! Here are some pictures of the way home. I'm the guy behind the camera.
Love to all of you, thank you for your kind words and prayers!
Love, love, love,
Daddy DP.


Unknown said...

AWWWWW!!!!!!!! He's Gorgeous!!!! What are all of his stats, size, time of arrival, etc.? Congrats, you guys. I'm glad everything went well.

Grayson said...

he is beyond precious. I love you all so much and could not be any more proud of you ashley AND you daniel! cant wait for him to meet one of his aunts. Man i miss you all...


Jesse said...

we're so happy for you three! congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I am bursting with Joy for you guys. What a blessing to have a beautiful healthy boy! Ashley, you amaze me. I don't think I could give birth with as much grace as it sounds like you did. Daniel, way to be a wonderful support and comfort to Ashley. I love you both and am so excited about this time in your life. Josh and I send all our love!

Christy said...

What a handsome little guy! Way to go Ashley and Daniel too! Ashley, you especially are in my prayers. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful site Grandma Ruth! Look so natural! Of course, so does Ashley and Daniel. SO EXCITING! SO CUTE! Still working on the sampler, faster, now!!! As I have to show my co-workers a picture of my great nephew, they all say what a cute baby....and yes, they say there can be ugly babies at birth....not sure about that anyway, Jacob, you are cute!! Congratulations from ALL of the Repass Family...Cody was hoping we could see him in person when we were out that way!!! Missed by a few days!