Monday, January 14, 2008

Alive and Kicking

I suppose it's a good thing to be really very busy and have time fly by...but I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since we last updated this blog! We've since celebrated the New Year with family and Greensboro friends in Raleigh, been so kindly showered with goodies for Jacob, returned to AZ, and jumped right back into work. It's always hard to leave family and great friends in NC...and this time was certainly no exception! Thanks to everyone.

Currently, we're only a few days shy of the third trimester (27 1/2 weeks). I've gained about 18 pounds, though Jacob is currently only about 2 pounds, and I'm still feeling pretty good- which is to say, there's not a remarkable increase in unpleasant symptoms as of yet. Jacob's really throwing himself around now, and if he's positioned like we're guessing, he really loves sticking his tush out to share with the public. (though for all we know it could be him headbutting me....) He's had the hiccups about 5 times in the last 24 hours, and even though doctors say babies in the womb don't mind them, I think our kiddo gets frustrated by them and moves feverishly to rid himself of them. At least, that's my impression :)

College students head back to campus this week, so Daniel's back to Campus Ministry and all the associated activities- which will include play rehearsals for the dinner theater April 4, 5, &6. I'm back at the hospital and will be there until the first week in March...other than that, there isn't a whole lot of fascinating "stuff" on this side of the world, thank goodness! On that note, Happy 2008 to everyone!


Christy said...

Thanks for the update! You look GREAT Ashley!

Anonymous said...

You and Jacob are really growing!! You will always remember what the hiccups and movements felt like..I still do!!!! Glad you had a great and safe trip to and from NC. Happy New Year!!! You probably heard my rambling voice on the phone over the holiday and hope Great Grandma passed on my love and thoughts!! Hope to figure out some way this year to see Jacob in real life but keep those pictures coming! Love, Great Aunt Lois

Anonymous said...

i love you.
