Saturday, June 12, 2010

Squishy face part 2

Back when Jacob was merely 3 days old, he had the best squishy face I'd ever seen. As it turns out, when he's completely exhausted he still manages an exceptional squishy face. Compare for yourself:

What caused such exahustion you ask? Well...
He woke up early (6:30), read nearly every single book he owns with me, played kickball with his daddy, then went to meet up with Olivia (yes Olivia in AZ!!) at Barnes and Noble to meet Curious George.

They are adorable together. Lucky for us, Olivia's family is staying in Mesa with her grandparent's until her parents new jobs and home details are hammered-out. After hugging on the big George, Olivia and family came to "jacob's" house for lunch, playing, and swimming. And they wore themselves out, thus the exceptional squishy face at the beginning of the post.
In the past few days, Jacob's done some fun stuff including going to Benihana's and watching an amazing chef chop and cook (while imitating with his own chopsticks), and eat watermelon in the nude at his own kid table outside. Does life get better? (If you're Jacob, you'd say no).

(These aren't necessarily the best watermelon eating shots...but they don't show any bits that shouldn't be shown, thus they go online.)


Grandparents Chell said...

This kid is all over the place! In addition to having traveled more air miles than many adults, he gets to meet celebrities and keep up with his gal pals across state lines. What a life! Who wouldn't want to eat watermelon in the nude?!

Grayson said...

So you know how there is a Gerber baby representing the Gerber baby food? THIS child needs to be the poster child to the Benihana hibachi franchise. They'd be stupid not to accept! I have never seen such a happy and thrilled young Benihana-goer.

So glad to see that he is happy, naked, and meeting his fictional friends. Miss you all and see you soon!

AdelpheBre said...

Daniel must attract squishy-faced babies: I have a picture of my squishy baby resting on her Uncle Daniel's chest the very same way. :) This bodes well for other baby faces in the future!