Wednesday, November 18, 2009

To nap or not to nap....

This past week, Jacob missed his nap on a couple of days and then proceeded to sleep through the entire night. Amazing.
But are we really already arriving to that point, I mean he's just barely over 1 1/2! Yikes...I don't know if that's scarier for daniel and myself or for his mood after 6 pm!
On the first day of missed nap, his exhaustion caught up with him at dinner time as evidenced by this pathetic piece of video.

Yes, he does a falling asleep head-jerk while drinking his water. Yes, he does his sign for "all done" but say "more" at the same time. Yes, he does nearly miss his mouth with a piece of toast. Yes, this was hilarious...and pitiful. Following this pathetic display, Jacob proceeded to get a second wind and run around with his Didi for another hour before bath time. Then, he slept for 10 1/2 hrs straight, close to his record. Even that tired, he couldn't sleep past 6:45 am...but I shouldn't complain having a few nights with more than 8 hrs of uninterrupted sleep!


Grayson said...

we love this. LOAF THIS.

Grayson said...

yes, pathetic and adorable. quite adorable.

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