Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jacob goes West...again.

We've made it back toward the west- currently we're with Daniel's folks in Arizona. Until Daniel starts the fall semester ( a couple of weeks), we'll be swimming, eating, and playing out here in the desert! (And I'll be writing my masters thesis, having meetings, and getting closer to my defense and graduation.....finally.)
It's taken a bit of adjusting back to the bone-dry heat, but after some chapped lips, parched mouths, and a few bloody noses (yikes), I think we're all relearning how to balance out the hydration and heat. Jacob has been having a blast hugging and pulling the tail of Izzy the dog, swimming, chatting with great-gramma and great-grampa Pugh, and apparently playing with his newborn carseat as seen below.

I can't believe how HUGE he is now and how, once upon a time, he was too small and required towels for a proper fit in there. Even he thinks that's ridiculous.

Before we left NC, we had a chance to visit the Gallaghers and discovered that Jacob has a special talent. At 16 months, he can skillfully balance spoons on his nose:

We also learned that he needs another haircut after an especially muggy day on the deck...Jacob was sporting the blond fro.

And darn proud of it, too.

Anyway, we miss the east coasters more than we can express but are grateful to have had all the time and visits with everyone! We'll have more photo-ops of Jacob phoenix style now that we're "unpacked" and have located the camera and cord. Love to all!


Grayson said...

one word of advice. leave the afro.

i love you so darn much.

Ashley said...

After careful consideration of both your post, and Grayson's comment, I realized that she offered "one word" of advice and then gave three. So I have invented a simple word to sum up how we both felt about these pictures. Nofro. Now that, my friends, is one word of advice!

Grayson said...

Ashley, come on. We were supposed to be on the same side... I thought. And do you honestly believe that the girls will be drawn toward his ability to balance a spoon on his nose? he isn't a seal.

WTF! (Want The Fro!)