Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Who needs sleep, well you're never gonna get it..."

Here we are with a 7 1/2 month old who puts newborn babies to shame for wakefulnes during the night. No kidding at all. For the past two nights, Jacob has woken not just every 1 1/2 hours, but there's also a 2-hour block in the middle of the night where he just wakes up to stand, jump, kick, and babble in his crib. It'd be cute if it were during the day....but it isn't.

Any suggestions? Truly, we really could all use more than 1 1/2 hours of sleep at a time! (And then he won't nap because he's too happy and wants to touch, taste, pull himself up on everything!)

We're of the belief that because he's pulling himself up with no trouble and picking up speed with his crawling, that the boy just can't sleep due to excitement about mobility. That and intense teething (which we're pretty sure is a huge culprit in the not sleeping issue). He's working on getting his second tooth. That's right, tooth #2 because his first one cut through during this past week! (The front bottom two) We often ask ourselves where our baby has gone cause this boy is some kind of little kid now. He's babbling all the time mainly with the 'baba', 'mama', ocassionally a 'dada' sound, and responds with vocal glee (and sounds similar) to "yay" and "hi".

Just wanted to post the most recent developments...but we feel like at his current rate of growing up, he'll probably be conversing with us next week while riding his bicycle. Or maybe sleeping every once and awhile. That'd be nice......
For now, enjoy pictures of Jacob with his grandma (and corn cob) and grandpa along with an updated video of his crawling.


Anonymous said...

wow. he's gotten pretty good at that whole crawling thing maybe too quickly. Maybe he's a genious (yes for what i mean that is the correct spelling).

He'll be taller than I am by the next time I see him (bet you all a dollar).

Grayson said...

that child is massive and growing up without us. I don't approve.

Andrew and Caroline Bost said...

omy he is changing so quickly i cant believe hes crawling already and so quickly too o andby the way whats your new address! lovelove A&C

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