Sunday, November 9, 2008

Crawling bebe!

So, tonight Jacob made his way across the floor on his hands and knees. We're gonna call it crawling though he looked like a wiggly worm. As he gets the hang of it, I'm curious to see what his crawl progresses to....but needless to say, things are certainly about to change around here with a crawling babe! Here's some footage of his worn-out efforts to get to the technology at hand: the laptop.


Grayson said...

I looked so incredibly silly smiling at a computer screen. I must say though, oh goodness, this kid is going to be troublesome. I wish you all the best of luck! Love and congrats!

P.S. Daniel's conversation re: " the worst football in the history of games" really added flare to this epic footage.

Ashley said...

yeah, somehow football gets mentioned in lots of our videos. hmmm:)

Anonymous said...

yep, best of luck - now he's mobile!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Guys! What a wonderful video. I almost cried when I saw it. It is amazing that through the miracles of technology we can share in this with you. We're looking at trying to head out west this spring, if so we'd love to see you!
Love/ Miss you Guys!
The Holleys

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