On top of that, I toured the NICU today and saw babies younger than Jacob fighting so hard for survival. My brother (Dana) was born at 28 weeks, and so I kept comparing these babies to both Jacob (the image I've got in my head) and Dana. It's miraculous what medicine is capable of... and almost more amazing is what tender compassion, love, and guidance can do for these teeny creatures. Without the persistant adoration and constant love from my parents, Dana could very easily have spent most of his childhood in a hospital or even special schools struggling to keep up with the "normal" kids- or just struggling for his life. Instead, he's thrived physically and mentally (he's too smart for his own good). Sure, there are some aspects of Dana that are likely linked to his early departure from the womb, but these thin
Anyway, my point is: I'm relieved to be 29 weeks along, I'm so fortunate to have each and every piece of family, and working in a hospital will reinforce not only the role of nutrition in healing but also the power of love.