Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Resume Life.

Long time no blog.
A snippet of our fireman and his cousin Dani breaking it down while we were in AZ!

Now we're in NC and we are all well. Actually, we are really all great!  As of last week, we are renting a one-level 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with an absolutely gigantic backyard. While about 20 minutes from Daniel's work (he started as the Associate Pastor at Augsburg Lutheran Church last Friday-exciting), it appears we are still close enough to hospitals (job opportunities for me) and friendly people. After you can see the floors again...oh the joys of moving in....we'll post some pictures!

Up until that point, we'd been hanging with Ma and Pa in Raleigh while Jacob goes to Arts Together for morning arts camp. Some may know, but Arts Together is where I danced, i.e. lived, while growing up here in Raleigh.
In our downtime, we've played on the deck.

Let it all hang out.
 Helped clean a bit (xylophone vacuum, it's not yet copyrighted, so jump on it).
 And tonight, Thomas learned how to jump. And it's hysterical.
 Don't you agree?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Unbelievable how those cuties have grown...hope to work out some way to at least meet Thomas!! They make me laugh!!!

CONGRATS DANIEL..whoo! hoo! Sounds like it is all working out for all of you..close to grandparents et al..

Enjoy your new to of these days I will meet Thomas...:) Maybe when I come barreling through in Raleigh on way to GP???

Lois and Craig!!