Sunday, May 6, 2012


This month marks the end of our West Coast adventure. Or, rather, the "sun is setting on our time here in California". Really, I just wanted to share what the huge moon looked like from our front porch.
Our kids have never been residents of the East coast....and certainly can't describe themselves as southerners. 
As excited, nay 'bursting from the seams with anticipation and possibilities', as we all are, this transition is going to be accompanied with some painful change, loss, and certainly tears. 
Fortunately, the seminary life has been good at teaching us all to anticipate change, embrace the good while learning from undesirable, and celebrate the now. 
So, we've been enjoying our friends, our gorgeous weather, and incredible community! (Thomas sat on this drum box and kicked/drummed along with music for over 30 minutes- without any smiling. Such the serious boy, but he loved it and stubbornly refused to get off despite numerous opportunities.) 
Daniel and I got to attend the Banquet for those graduating this month; our first date since leaving NC in January...yikes. I suppose that's the first blog post with my lack of hair? I cut if all off with our friends KD and John (parentals of Roman) for locks-of-love; the cut is horrible but it grows back and curly hair hides a lot!

There are many more memories to be made while we're here and we're doing the best we can to be intentional about our time.
This weekend, we'll be flying as a family to NC to meet people at a church that is very interested in having Daniel as their Associate Pastor. So, with all there is left to do with our short time left here, we've begun deconstructing our lives a bit...beginning with the bunk beds. Now, the boys have mattresses side by side. No worries, we cleaned up all the books before bedtime!


pastorbreezy said...

These East Coasters are SO excited you're coming back this-a-way! :)

Grandparents Chell said...

Yay! Yay! and more Yay!

We are SO looking forward to having you back on this side of the country. We know you'll treasure lifelong memories of the time you spent in Berkeley; we certainly enjoyed our visits there! One day we'll have to go back to show Jacob and Thomas where they spent some jammin' times!
Love you forever...