Thursday, September 15, 2011


Daniel turns 28 years old(young) tomorrow. Hard to believe the pace by which these years are sliding;
we're still trying to wrap our minds around the fact that this will be the 11th year of us celebrating dp's birthday since beginning this crazy fun ride of love and then marriage. Whoa. Imagine who you were at 18...then at 28- Hopefully some changes and hopefully some things are the same; I'm just happy that we keep getting to celebrate Daniel for who he is each year.
Happy Birthday mon ami prefere!

On an entirely different note, here's a bit about our life the past week and a half.
When we lived here previously, the community garden was really important to us and we knew we wanted to see it flourish this year, too. So, last Saturday, we got to work with fellow neighbors and 'farmers of the Dels'. (Our apts are called the Delaware Apts...the dels...get it?).
Jacob refueled between shifts of digging in dirt and talking about "ew..smelly dirt and chicken poooop". Yeah, he's a 3 year old boy.
Thomas helped by being the sweet, mellow boy he is and NOT eating the dirt.
A look at the crops (lettuce, spinach, a bunch of herbs, kale, peas, basil) and some cute boys a few days later.
I just include this cause it makes me smile that Thomas gave up on steering. Smart cookie.
These tidbits are just to make you smile. This nugget was hiding in the files from the first few weeks after arriving back in Berkeley; this sweet boy can make anybody grin with this smile and laugh.
In this picture, we have Roman (4 1/2months old, daughter to our beloved KD and John whom we spoke of years ago while living here) and the feet of Thomas. He rather enjoyed sneaking a ride under Roman in her stroller, there was laughing, poking, and kicking involved.


Grandparents Chell said...

We were thrilled to see a new blog post. Usually we are right on top of them, looking as we do quite FREQUENTLY. ha.

Just when we think the pinnacle of cuteness has been reached,here comes another set of WHOA! and it all resets at a higher bar.

We love you all. Hope the birthday hoopla was loads of fun and special times. Betcha loved the cake! We send wishes for a spectacular Fall in Berk-a-lee.

Anonymous said...


cute cute cute cute./

all of you/


Anonymous said...

dear blog,

you are made of cookies.


Anonymous said...



ONLY ZUUL (that's how Ghostbusters' WIKI spells it).