Friday, August 26, 2011


We made it.
One car plus one full van concludes what we brought from Phoenix (several furniture items stayed here last year). The first week here was truly recovering and establishing that this is 'home' for all of us....and especially trying to reign in a confused, excited, and exhausted 3 year old.
We've completed the necessary Ikea trip for Jacob's birthday present / bunk bed (though he can only play and 'nap' on top during the day until he gets bigger...the guidelines recommended 6...we'll see).
We've visited the aquarium (in the Green Pond tie-dye-this was his excited dance)!
the Oakland zoo (a time-tested favorite), and gone to the marina.
With the dramatic climate change, there was a necessary visit to the children's ER for Thomas and his impressive wheezing. Fortunately, after an hour long breathing treatment (like crack for the kid) followed by one more small hit of medicine, we were allowed to bring him back home..

And we discovered that he weighs 24 pounds at 8 months. Explains why 18m clothes fit him so well...!
Speaking of Thomas, he's broken 2 teeth since we left Phoenix and has finally shown true interest in crawling (as of today)! Though he still refuses foods placed in his mouth or fed from a spoon, he will eat anything he can scrounge from the carpet or generally shove into his mouth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


NOW look at that hippie dance!!!!

thosmos and his hatmos.

start em early. beefcake.

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