Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Home again, home again, jiggity jig"

Our "happy wheezer" is home ; we were discharged Tuesday afternoon after results were 'normal' from the upper GI. While he's not 100%, he is improving some each day. A follow-up with the Dr yesterday was mediocre (Dr still doesn't like how he sounds) and this morning was bad enough for me to call in to work again....but as you can see, his personality is healthy...and he weighed in at exactly 16 pounds yesterday after a 4-day hospital stay: Beast!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, the good news is that Thomas has stayed unbelievably adorable throughout this whole ordeal. Way to go Thomas! And he is still putting on weight, my kind of man! ha.

Keep up the awesome job Thomas! You're precious! Lots of love.

Kirsten Worzala Dumke said...

What a trooper. He is beautiful, Ashley and Daniel, and I love seeing the Ashley in him (I love you, D, but it's good to have one for each parent, don't you think?).

Looking forward to Skyping sometime soon.

Much love,

Anonymous said...


thomas' ??????

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