Monday, November 8, 2010

catch-up blog

Here are some photos from last weekend (halloween) up through yesterday...we'll try to get those videos up, but blogger is not liking them for some reason!
Apparently 2 pumpkin bags for candy was necessary.
Fireman and daddy approaching middle of the block (we went down one side of the street and up the other).
And Jacob enjoying his jolly rancher stick while back at Yaya and Didi's house. Amazingly, he STILL had his hat on! Recall, last year he wouldn't even let us try to put the hat on...what a difference a year can make.
This is Thomas anhd myself at 33.5 wks. Life is still decent; minimal swelling, smaller weight gain than with Jacob, and so many things going on all the time!
Smug grown-up boy showing us how huge he is...and how we should prepare ourselves for how small Thomas will be in comparison!


Grandparents Chell said...

Looking good, Ashley! Won't be long now...

Jacob's had a really good run lately, what with practicing big brother "Life of Riley" poses and charming the neighborhood as Fireman Jacob. Loved the father and son shots along the boulevard. The video is priceless! Great idea with the mini playdoughs.

Anonymous said...

good job jeeeeeeeeeekob! jeeeeeeekob good job!!!!!

Anonymous said...

little meekrob has a picture perfect smile every time. holding hands with daddy - just look at those pictures!

THOS - you've got your work cut out for you.

I wanna be a burrito!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yep. still cute.


Anonymous said...

" "


Anonymous said...

"Who is it?"

(did he say, "ME?")

awww. cute either way.

who's ready to THOS?