for this growing boy.
(He makes a mean chocolate pudding-just look at how he must mix well considering the splatter...)
Since Monday, munchkin has worn a diaper or pull-up only to bed and sometimes his nap...and everything else is briefs or naked. We've been all over the place- to the mall, the library, Target, fun song-hours at bookstores, lunch with family- usually back to back errands, and munchkin hasn't had a single public accident (and only 3 all week at home). We can't believe how he just switched like it was no big deal....
(Successful Target trip: first finger paints!)
He's already learned that all he has to say is , "I need to peepee" and he gets a free trip to the bathroom wherever we are. He's used it in the car (we stopped at the closest grocery store), nap times, and if he's bored at a restaurant. So far, he's managed to make good on his end of the bargain, so we won't restrict these trips....but I see them easily becoming too much fun!
We're all excited because as we progress into the 'school' year and I hope to get some work (after the RD exam), Jacob can go to preschool with his Yaya (church we're she's an interim Pastor) as a potty-trained kiddo! Lots going on before arrival of baby 2, but the timing is just working so smoothly for munchking- and us, too.
On that front, we learn Thursday if new munchkin is a boy or girl! Everyone but myself feels a girl is certain, we'll see.
I can feel this pipsqueak moving some (strong jabs maybe 3 times a day) but not like Jacob did (all the time whirling). So, I'm curious to see placement and whatnot on Thursday- I may just be getting kicked on the inside rather than my belly....
There we are celebrating my successful oral thesis defense last week (almost completely a Master of Science now!) at 18.5 weeks.
This video is of the greatest distraction from Phoenix heat: a HUGE monsoon that overloads gutters making a perfect 'sprinkler' for this active 2 year old boy. It's a bit tough to see, but just know that he ran in the rain every second it was coming down delightfully squealing. It was a time when your cheeks ache from smiling so hard at how gleeful, innocent, and precious your child was just so beautiful, memorable, and made me remember the joys of playing in cold, fat, summer raindrops!