Saturday, December 6, 2008

8 Months

Here's a breakdown of our smiley 8 month old.

The Likes:
-Jacob still adores being in his birthday suit, especially if a bath is part of the plan. He even crawls to the bathroom and waits for us when he feels ready for a bath.

-He loves to stand, thrust his little hips, and wildly bounce in his crib.
-Jacob loves to put things into his mouth, the grosser the better. Things such as shoes, his own band-aid, noses, toes- I think you all get the point.
-Little boy loves gumming on the crusty part of bread and rice cakes- and he loves rubbing the gooey mess into the carpet. It not only tastes better but it's more fun all around that way (ha!).
-Where there's a camera, there's a smiling and posing Jacob. Honestly, there's no use in trying to get a profile of this guy because when he hears the camera turn on he's fast to seek it out and smile.

-Jacob loves making friends with both kids and adults. He loves to laugh at kids- who doesn't? And he loves to catch an adults eye and just watch them until they smile then smile or laugh with them.

The Dislikes:
-Our 'little' one is realizing that being told "no" typically isn't pleasant and is beginning to emphatically respond to hearing the word. (And on occassion this distracts him to the point of ceasing the undesired behavior.)
-In just the past week, Jacob has really begun to express his dislike for being put into his carseat or stroller as opposed to in our arms or free to play. Fortunately, he tends to chill-out after the initial least while in the stroller...

His true dislikes are really just the typical -whines about getting his face or noise wiped, wants his mom/dad in crowds, can't handle loud and abrupt feelings toward sporting event- kind of things. He's just really a typical mobile baby who loves to interact, mimic those around him, and today, sport dennis the menace hair.

He has two teeth which he tends to hide with his tongue but that he uses to mash up his avocado, apple, or sweet potato chunks and little bits of peeled grapes. He still accepts pureed foods, but not usually for a ful meal of foods.
I can't think of much else to include about this guy, but he is growing like a weed- and we think he's growing up more than out for the first time since he was about 2 weeks old! Needless to say, he's a cutie who brightens up each of our days adn we're so fortunate that he's in our lives!!!

1 comment:

Grayson said...

He is growing quickly! Jacob is going to be such a menace, as the hair would suggest. And that last picture really does resemble Daniel. Oh, he is so precious.