Friday, June 6, 2008

Rolls and all

Here it is 2 months since Jacob was born and we continue to fall in love with him more every single day (chub rolls and all). He's got a doctor visit on Monday, so I don't technically know his present weight; however, I am confident in guessing he's well beyond 11 pounds. He's also now long enough to kick his dad while buckled in his car seat- which he seems to really enjoy. I'm not looking forward to the tortured cries of this little boy as he receives his many shots...but I'm sure we'll report his 'stats' and how he did at the pediatrician sometime next week!

For your updated pleasure on the two month old version of Jacob:

-He's learned how to pout, and cry. He'll give several warning pouty faces before he actually cries, but his cry is still pretty much him yelling at us to figure out what's wrong with him and it never lasts more than about 1 whole minute.

-He's a smiling fool! Never has a toothless grin been so rewarding- or elusive when a camera is brought into the picture. We've tried to capture the smiles to post here, but our camera has a little light that shines and distracts Jacob nearly every single time we snap a shot. You'll just have to take our word for it, he smiles all the time!

-Jacob is really starting to sleep well at night- there have even been a few 6 hour stretches. Typically, he goes to sleep between 9:30 and 10:30pm, wakes up twice to eat during the night, and is then wide-eyed and ready to play at about 8 or 9am.

-He's a firm believer in cat naps. He so much love looking at his environment, family, and digital alarm clock faces next to our bed, that he forgets to go to sleep. His typical total nap time during the day ranges from 2 to about 5 hours....truly, he just to busy to sleep!

-Bath time and naked time are still adored. If we've tried everything to make the grumping stop to no avail, we just have to get him completely undressed and he'll begin the cooing and smiles.

This past week, Daniel sold my old reliable and efficient Saturn to a young couple from Israel here to site-see for 6 months. The following picture is possibly a terrible picture, but it just seemed too be the judge.
Hey, we had to include at least one picture where Jacob had some clothes on....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

regarding the last photo:" it's all about the [Franklin’s] BABY!
so proud to call you all family.