To explain the title of this post: we entered the world of apple products. Our laptop and our notebook computer both died/broke within the same week in January- days before Daniel was headed to Florida for a week-long conference. We researched and after much discussion (apparently I take awhile to make decisions and I am fine with that), the iPad became our newest family member.
This is all relevant, I promise. There are 2 ways it affects the blog; first, we don't take as many pictures on the camera but rather the iPad and the pictures we do take with the camera, we can only upload to our desktop via the printer. So many steps. (Yes, I hear the laziness, too). Secondly, most of the people directly badgering us for pictures or updates also have apple products and frequently receive messages with pictures and videos.
All this is to say that we want to keep this blog going, we're just learning how to do so with where we are in life (and technical endurance for figuring out all the quirks).
With that being do I get pictures from the iPad onto the blog? Hints?
Thanks for bearing with us!