Friday, March 30, 2012

Preschool Easter celebration

On Friday, Thomas and I got to join Jacob and class-mates for some Easter related stories, songs, and circle-time (they have spring break next week). Jacob was a very sweet big brother and gleefully did whatever he could to help Thomas participate.

Then it was fooood time. Jacob had woken up late that morning and had a bit of dry cereal (puny breakast). When Thos and I arrived, Jacob's teachers informed me that he had been begging to "hurry up and eat" for the past 45 minutes!
As you can tell, he solved his own problems there and packed-in
the food!

After given their Easter cartons with grass they had been growing, Jacob could no longer focus on anything except the 2 plastic eggs that had appeared. He loves surprises but can't stand not knowing something! I can't imagine from who he gets that

Next: the Easter egg hunt. Jacob found his 2 dyed eggs in 25 seconds flat and was pumped to assist others find theirs. And then, he and Thomas proceeded to drop and crack each egg. repeatedly. We learned Jacob loves egg whites and Thomas can't stand egg yolks.

Though not actually wanting to eat anything, Thomas still wanted his own eggs. Such sweetness to watch these two bond and grow together!

Mischief managed (....yeah right)

Whether caught climbing to peer out our window.....

Or climbing the couch after his bath to pull on the lamp cord...

Or doing some pilates with Daddy and Jacob...

This 15 month old (!) is learning how to get exactly what he wants; creatively, quickly, and sometimes with a knock or bruise. After the initial frustration cry/scream, he is usually determined and gleeful when his goal is accomplished. Especially gleeful when out of the house on another rainy day- even if it's just a change of scenery to the car!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Yay family!!

The weekend of family overlap included a Sunday trip to the USS Hornet.

A snip-it of Thomas at the aquarium. I realized that those in the blogosphere haven't had the fun experience of seeing Thomas act like an old man. Since learning to stand, Thomas will wave his arms back and forth as though he's constantly laid back and assessing a situation. And yes, the squawking is Thomas, not only the birds.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monterey Bay Aquarium


Georgia meets California

Yesterday, our last visiting family member left. (Boooo)
We've been thrilled to have some family with us for the last 2 weeks! We'll begin with the GA family, Emily and Josh.

Thomas modeling his aviator style.

Jacob hamming it up for Uncle Josh.

At Boudin Bread...yum.

Josh getting to ride the notorious "big slide" with Jacob!

Jacob fulfilling every child's dream: flying a kite. We adults remember running and throwing kites into the air in hopes that they would float for just a second.
Not here.
At one point, when taking a break, we had strapped the kite onto the stroller handles with the string totally wound. Next thing we know, the kite was completely unwound flying as high as possible.
(Jacob is flying the yellow kite with red tails).

Golden Gate hiding behind the sun glare and Emily and Jacob's heads.

These boys showing off their "secret" hideout at the marina.

Thomas, our determined little explorer.

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