Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Halloween

We know it's still a few days away, but we've been holding on to these pictures now for almost a week. It's really time to share Jacob as his Nemo and with his cousin Parker as a ghost!


Monday, October 20, 2008

I shake my little tush on the catwalk

Jacob saw his first photo session yesterday with his cousin Parker Perez. While we are waiting on the pictures to be developed (they won't be done until November 4th) we couldn't wait to get the pictures out to all of you. Tune in next week for the photo shoot involving his halloween costume. Lots of love from Texas!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sorry for the delay

I certainly didn't mean to leave that last blog photo-less for a whole day! Daniel arrived today with my lap top in Houston, so now all is back on track. Here are a few from our travels:
Jacob on the plane (in the empty middle seat)

Swinging at All Children's playground in Raleigh with Ashley Eckert
He put himself under the bouncer, then didn't know what to do. It was quite funny for all involved.
Jacob enjoys his peas!! He's had sweet potato, butternut squash and peas...and has yet to find something he doesn't love. We aim to try avocado next and cross our fingers that he'll love that, too.

And this is Parker, Jacob's cousin and new buddy, and our sweet godson!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Glob-trotter. err....nation-trotter

In the past few weeks we've been to North Carolina (Raleigh) for Steven and Chase's wedding and family time. Now, we're in Houston visiting aunt Tally and Uncle Trent along with Jacob's new cousin baby Parker! Here are some photos from our journey thus far.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

6 months

Jacob turned 6 months yesterday...and I can better understand now how time creeps up on people!

We knew he'd be 6 months "not long" after moving to Berkeley, but than all of a sudden time flew and here we are with a curious 6 month old who is grabbing/mouthing everything, communicating in a consistent way, and beginning to incorporate some foods in his day. And possibly maybe get a tooth soon- we aren't yet certain about that one.

Here's an overview of just who this little boy is:
Jacob senses and clearly responds according to the emotions of those around him. He finds laughter hilarious along with about anything else if it's repeated enough times but actually cries at the close sound of the vacuum cleaner and food processor. He's beginning to respond to his name and follows our conversations with his eyes like a tennis match back and forth. When people meet him or show excitement toward him, he tends to flail one of his arms like he's waving....but we don't think it's intentional.

For some goofy reason, he still tries to eat his daddy's nose but now he uses his super- human baby strength to grab on to daddy's sideburns and yank daniel's face to his mouth. And then laughs.

Jacob sits completely independently- he only falls when he's reaching for something way beyond his grasp. Once down, he'll roll across the room and play with anything on his way- this especially includes the paper from the recycling box by our computer. Occasionally, he gets frustrated when he tips backward and will lay there grunting with his head and shoulders lifted until he gets distracted or we come and pull him back to sitting. There are times when on his tummy that Jacob appears to be channeling a frog- he pulls himself up onto all fours and rocks. Then, when bored with that, he lifts one of his legs and looks like he's trying to stand.
Despite the apathy Jacob showed toward rice cereal, he has been trying to eat the food off of our plates for about 3 weeks. During dinner recently, Jacob opened wide with every forkful I brought to my mouth. I felt like I was cruelly teasing him! With all those "ready-to-eat" signs in addition to always acting hungry and nursing allll the time, we introduced his first pureed food: butternut squash. I had no idea he would be so easy to feed. In addition to not batting an eyelash at the new taste, he barely closed his mouth the entire meal. He has joyfully gobbled it down now 3 days in a row...and we're thinking about introducing some peas tomorrow...

Tomorrow in the wee hours of the morning, we are headed to Raleigh, NC for "uncle" Stevo's wedding. Then Jacob and I are headed to Houston for 2 weeks to stay with his brand new cousin Parker! Until the next time, we love you all! (And if you are in Raleigh over the next few days, it'd be fantastic to see you!)

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