Monday, January 30, 2012


First, we met up with the Taylor family in Fort Worth; they drove up to meet us for our first Chuck E Cheese experience.
(L to R: Caleb/20m, Samuel /~5, Jacob/3.5,Colby, 3.5) (Thomas was mainly held and not too interested in exploring that night)
Enough blond boy for you?

The following day, we got to visit their house and nearby park for cousin bonding time. It was precious to see the slew of boys plus a sweet baby Abigail- who, because she was so sweet and gentle, didn't mandate photos in the first 1 hour...which is how long the camera battery lasted. The good news is that Traeci took a bunch of pictures of all the kiddos at a nearby park, Abigail included.
That afternoon, we made our way to Pearland (next to Houston) to visit the rest of the cousin!


Anonymous said...

that's right thomas.

do your own thing.

Anonymous said...

Use your magic to let me look at these pictures larger, PUH-LEASE.

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